The simplest way to spend less time marketing your private practice is to repurpose your content.
What do you mean by repurposing your content?
Two words – Captain Planet #gerimillenial
Our hero Captain Planet and the Planeteers boldly stood for the 3 Rs –
Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse and you can do the same thing when it comes to your marketing content
Recycle – turn something old into something new #glowup
Take a blog post that you wrote 2 years ago and put a new spin, sparkle and shine on it.
Reduce – archive (don’t delete) previous content that no longer applies to your specialty, ideal client population or is no longer in alignment with the services you offer.
Reuse – literally copy and paste your social media captions and sprinkle them throughout your website, your email newsletter, or use it as an outline for your next podcast or YouTube episode.
Why it's important to repurpose your content?
When you are repurposing your content, you’re maximizing the time you’ve already spent and getting as much mileage as you can out of that creative moment.
And you know those creative moments ebb and flow in relationship to what’s happening for you beyond the session.
If you want more ideas on how to repurpose your marketing content, so that you can use your time the way you want and need to while your marketing is busy helping you attract, acquire, and retain more clients, check out the Repurposing Content Plan that’s available in The Thriving Therapist Shop.
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