show me how!

Use ethical marketing strategies,
anti-sleazy sales tactics, &
high-quality care to disrupt & re-design the mental health industry without sacrificing yourself in the process.

Use ethical marketing strategies, anti-sleazy sales tactics, &
high-quality care to disrupt & re-design the mental health industry without sacrificing yourself in the process.

Ethically create a profitable  private practice

elevate your practice,
Enhance your life

elevate your practice, enhance your life

Ethically create a
                           private practice

Ending your days on a high note, feeling accomplished about the work you’ve done is great …

but what about stepping into your evenings, weekends, time off, vacays, and heck, early retirement that your career supports?

a Thriving Lifestyle

Whether you're in a traditional 9to5 or running your own private practice, you deserve a livable wage—or better yet,

a savings account balance that makes you smile—without having to burn the candle at both ends.

Now it's time to put the advanced strategies in place to make it happen.

Financial Security

You're praised for your stellar skills & admired for your dedication to help others,

let's make sure you don’t default to only prioritizing your clients when you don’t know how to meet your own needs.

(Set yourself up for more than the bare minimum.)

 A Fulfilling Career

You don't have to settle for less

You're a rising star, ready to make your mark
on the world, so let's make sure your needs are
met along the way because at the very least  you deserve …

You're a rising star, ready to make your mark on the world, so let's make sure your needs are met along the way because at the very least  you deserve …

Fast facts. . .

The number of small business owners with graduate degrees.


How many times per month therapist near me is “typed into Google” 


The number of days per week you should NOT be taking client sessions.

Tell me more →

5 days

The career milestone most therapists miss bc burnout boots them out of town

10 years

It’s no coincidence, most therapists have 6 figures in student loan debt, and simultaneously desire a 6 figure salary. 

6 figures

let's get going!

Celebrate all that you’ve accomplished thus far & as your needs change with each season of your career, business & life, update your process to maintain a strong alignment with your values.


Enjoy Sustainable Success on Your Terms

Your plan is no good without putting it into action. Maximize your growth & gain the freedom & flexibility that life has to offer.

Implement Your Strategic Action Plan

If longevity is your goal, taking the time to creatively brainstorm your vision, get comfortable with your numbers (dollars + data) & build a strategic plan is the ultimate place to start!

design your values driven 

design your values driven vision

Here's How We Make It Happen

Here's How We Make It Happen

step-by-step, day-by-day

I would love to teach you how to create a premium mental health business!

I'm the go-to gal for advanced strategies that support values-driven practitioners in creating sustainable, profitable & trustworthy mental health businesses.

In 2014, I noticed new graduates & seasoned clinicians were setting up camp in the same conundrum— mental health practitioners at every stage of the game were daydreaming of fulfilling, burnout-proof careers and a thriving lifestyle …

… without having the tools to make it a reality.

Since then, I’ve learned the ins & outs of the healthcare and mental health industry and spent the past 9 years stitching together best-practices that benefit both the client & the clinician.

I’ve collaborated with local organizations, international brands, & hundreds of individual practitioners who are determined to navigate an industry full of high stakes, high reward circumstances with confidence.

If you’re ready to do the same, let’s get started!

strategic consultant · compassionate disruptor  · burnout slayer 

Hi, I'm Aisha!

Kind Words

kind words

from values-driven leaders just like you

- alicia J.

" A great energy and really liked how intentional she encouraged us to be towards consultation!"

- allison k.

" I am excited at the prospect of being in control of my practice and working for myself."

- lauren g.

"... feeling motivated to implement the strategies she discussed to save time and money on my business."